Apart from those who run and develop science shops and the many students who pass through their hands to conduct research or carry out interventions for the benefit of community organizations or civil society, it sometimes seems that science shops are a well-kept secret. In fact, they have a long and rich history! Their international solidarity, expressed mainly through the Living Knowledge network, is essential to transmit their collective memory, which is so precious for the social responsibility of universities, experiential pedagogy and action research.
It is to preserve this memory and make the science shops better known that Florence Piron, professor at Université Laval and founder and manager of the science shop Accès savoirs, has been preparing for several years a multilingual anthology of texts already published and considered important or significant by the community. With the help of several members of the Living Knowledge network, a first list of texts has been established, but remains open to proposals. However, due to the interest of “young” science shops in this editorial initiative, a second component is now being added to the project: a call for unpublished texts.
The anthology is open to all types of texts (scientific articles, essays, accounts of experience, literature reviews, summaries of research reports, blog posts) as long as they will enable the readership to gain a good understanding of the functioning and governance, challenges and difficulties, successes and hopes of science shops in Europe and elsewhere from the 1970s to the present day. Texts on important moments in the history of Science Shops are welcome: creation or closure of a science shop, creation of a network, relations with the European Commission, recognition of a science shop by a university, etc.
This anthology will primarily be online, so there is no limit to its size. It will be available in open access, under a CC BY-SA licence. Copies could be printed on request. We hope to be able to produce a multilingual and a French version of the anthology. If some people are willing to contribute by reviewing translations, Éditions science et bien commun could produce versions in other languages. Reproduction and translation of the texts already published will of course have to be authorized.
Deadline for a text proposal (abstract of an unpublished text or full text if already published): June 20th 2020.
Deadline for the full text: September, 30th. You can use the European language of your choice. Technology such as deepl.com or friends will help us understand!
Write to propositions@editionscienceetbiencommun.org.