Writing instructions

These instructions are especially written for the authors of chapters of a collective work to be published by Éditions science et bien commun (ESBC). But they also apply to monographs, considered as a group of chapters. Depending on the project, further details may be added.

Writing recommendations

Generally, ESBC does not impose word limits on the authors of a book or a chapter. A text of 3000 words can be good or bad, just like a text of 15000 words.

What is important is that the text be accessible, with as few notes as possible, jargon, new or rare concepts devoid of explanation or allusions to very local debates or very local instances without context. Our goal is for our books to serve as a reflection tool in both academic and non-academic settings.

In the name of cognitive justice and its ideal of inclusive universalism, check that your text includes references to texts or achievements of men and women from the North and form the Global South. In other words, try to avoid proposing bibliographies composed mainly of texts of European or Eurodescent men. To help you vary your references, use this documentary research guide in the free scientific web.

ESBC demands a gender-neutral and non-sexist use of language and follows the standards of the Canadian government:

  • The writing of both forms, masculine and feminine, along;
  • The use of generic terms and neutral turnings for an epicene language

ESBC wants to encourage multilingualism. It is therefore possible to translate your chapter into other languages ​​and to include these versions or to add to your chapter a long summary in one or more other languages.

The format of the interview, as experienced in Savants, artists, citizens: all creators ?, can be very fruitful, whether written answers to written questions or the transcript of an interview.

Guidelines for presenting a chapter

The presentation guidelines are based on the use of the « Style » function (accessible from the « Format » menu) of most word processing programs.

The author must associate the appropriate level of title or style with the different sections of their text (regardless of the font or size of the style in question).

  • Title title: style in « Title 1 »
  • Title of text sections: style in « Title 2 »
  • Title of sub-sections: style in « Title 3 »
  • Quotations of more than 3 lines: styled in « Citation » (No italics or quotation marks)
  • The rest: stylish in « Normal »

Reminder: avoid footnotes as much as possible

Tables and charts are possible, but must be very simple.

Please do not add any other formatting (eg, indenting, space between paragraphs, original fonts, etc.).

Quotations in a language other than English must be translated into English following the original quotation which must be italicized, not a note.

Please attach a biography of the author of up to 150 words and your email / email address or Twitter account if you agree to make them public.

In most cases, add an abstract of 200 words and 5 to 6 keywords (in French and, if possible, in other languages ​​of your choice)


Bibliographical references will be inserted in the text according to the model (Author, date) and collected at the end of the file in a section entitled References (styled in title 2).

Their presentation will follow Chicago style standards (author-date method). Think about using Zotero (zotero.org), a free open source bibliographic management software, to make your life easier!

To add one or more illustrations

Insert the hyperlinks or, if you have files, « illustration 1, 2 or 3 » in your text, at the desired place. Add below the caption of each illustration and its source. Prefer authorized or licensed CC-BY artwork.

Add the attached files (png or jpg) to your email, indicating their number.

To add a video or podcast (audio file)

It is possible to embed a video or podcast in the html version of a book, but the document in question must be available on a platform outside the ESBC’s website.

Copy the link « embed » or to « integrate » the video or podcast into your file at the desired location. In the PDF or printed version, this document will have to be replaced by a photo or deleted: it is important to think about it when writing.

Copyright and License

All chapters published by Science and the Commons are licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. (Http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). If you do not agree or want more explanation, please write to info@scienceetbiencommun.org. This license allows you to keep all your rights on your text, but also allows third parties (including the ESBC) to publish your text by designating you as author or author, from the perspective of common knowledge.

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